Rabu, 30 November 2011


Well, at last I made my own blog. Don't really know how it work actually, I'm still learning. And I don't really know what to write. Clueless. OK then, I'll just tell my story why I end up here. Last week, I started entering a giveaways from another blogs. I have no idea that there's anything like that. I'm not a hi-tech typed of person, so I'm not aware that's even exist. I know about blog. But, I never had a second thought about that. While I was entering the giveaways, I didn't know that I should have a blog to become a GFC. At first, I didn't even know what GFC was. Then, I noticed that square box which written Google Friend Connect. So, I just joined the site. And for some cases, I have to owned a blog for being able to get points. That's how I decided to make my own blog. Wow, I don't realize I can write this long.

Well bloggers, you all are so welcomed to leave a constructive comments. I know there's a lot of mistakes and errors. Like I've said, I'm not good with words, let alone in English.

It's already late, I have to sign off now. Thanks for stopping by.